01 - ゆめのよる [Yume no yoru / Dream Night] - 00:00
02 - 小まどから [Ko madokara / Gazing out a Small Window] - 02:36
03 - リンゴ [Ringo / Apple] - 06:15
04 - はこ [Hako] - 09:00
05 - Fromm (Piety) - 11:41
06 - Beau Soir (Beautiful Evening) - 13:41
07 - Pastorale (Pastoral) - 15:17
08 - Vorfruhling (Eariest Spring) - 17:07
09 - The Owl and the Pussy-Cat - 18:40
10 - Chanson Francaise (French Song) - 21:10
11 - Chevaux de Bois (Wooden Horses) - 23:17
12 - Die Wetterfahne (The Vane) - 26:16
13 - Il Pleure dans mon Cosur (Tears Fall in my Heart) - 28:17
14 - Voici que le Printemps (Here is Spring) - 30:41
15 - Die Forelle (The Trout) - 32:48
16 - Der Lindenbaum (The Linden-Tree) - 34:57
17 - Standchen (Serenade) - 39:39
18 - La Temps a Laissie son Manteau (Did Time Now his Mantle hath Doffed) - 43:15
Disc Issue Info
Year: 1988 (re-issue)
Catalogue Number: MDCZ-1229
Media: CD
All rights reserved to the original authors/composers/publishers of this album.
By posting this here I intend no malice to any of the aforementioned individuals/groups/companies. If you feel that your rights have been breached by posting this video please contact me.
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The above translation of song names/lyrics may not be accurate, if you want to help translating the songs, please contact me!